Bulk Savory Maple Glazed Ham
Why spend all that time cooking when we can do it for you?!
Juicy bone-in ham glazed with orange + cinnamon.
And yes, it tastes as delicious as it looks.
Add this seasonal favorite, offered family style!
Juicy bone-in ham glazed with orange + cinnamon.
And yes, it tastes as delicious as it looks.
Add this seasonal favorite, offered family style!
5oz serving (25oz per container)
Calories, 240
Fat, 13g
Carbohydrates, 4g
Protein, 26g
Sodium, 700mg
Sugar, 3g
Fiber, 0g
*5 servings per container
Ingredients: ham, orange juice, maple syrup, oil, cinnamon sticks
Allergens: none